Looking at the development of listed companies in the PC manufacturing industry from the annual report


First, the basic status

        According to the classification of code G83 in the "Industry Classification Guidelines for Listed Companies" of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, there are currently 11 computers. And related equipment manufacturing companies are listed in China. After comprehensive analysis, select representative companies to conduct annual report comparison statistics: the average main business income of domestic PC manufacturing listed companies is 1.735 billion yuan, an increase of 41.68%. Compared with the 18.15% increase in the main business income of all listed companies in the same period, the increase was 23.5%. The earnings per share was 0.33 yuan, which was 0.115 yuan higher than the overall average. This basically shows that in 2000 China's PC manufacturing industry maintained a normal development speed, and the profit level of the PC manufacturing industry was generally acceptable.

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