Discussion on corporate culture


pring and Autumn Technology Strategy Human Resources Project, Lesson 2, Corporate Culture Discussion

2016Year 11Month 18Day, The second phase of the Spring and Autumn Human Resources Project "Discussion on Corporate Culture" was successfully launched. This course is designed to enable employees to understand what is the corporate culture, the role of corporate culture, the refinement of corporate culture, what is the vision, mission, values, and the implementation steps of corporate culture. The course was delivered by Mr. Zhao Daguang, a senior project consultant at Best


Because the training has been successfully carried out, this training goes straight to the topic. In class, Mr. Zhao analyzes the role of corporate culture in business management step by step, and details the core of the corporate spirit concept: “mission, vision, values”. Take the vision as an example and let everyone practice on the spot.


In the 10 minute discussion time, the teams actively exercised, and the fifth group took the lead: industry standard participants . Student Chen Ling explained: We are in NBThe industry has steadily carried out Over the years, business volume and technical water products have been rising, but the standard of an industry cannot be determined by a company. Therefore, we are positioned as participants, indicating our confidence and determination for future development. One of the right enterprises. Then came the second group of speeches: “Building the benchmark for NB foundry”, and the third group “NO.1” of the NB system assembly, is determined to change the situation of Taiwan enterprises to dominate the world and establish a national brand. The first group and the fourth group are respectively “strive to innovate, independent brand, tree-hundred-year enterprise, do tens of billions of spring and autumn”, “first-class technology, management innovation, quality-oriented, integrity first”, and the original enterprise The concept is closely integrated.


After a short drill, the course goes to the third part —— the promotion of corporate culture. Teacher Zhao shared the points that need to be paid attention to during the implementation of corporate culture: First, the importance of leadership is the key. Only the leadership is the first to set a benchmark and establish a benchmark to fully influence employees. Second, it is a change without changing ideas. If the corporate culture is seriously violated the corporate culture, it is necessary to implement the value assessment. The third is a large number of cultural propaganda, to use all kinds of cultural positions and means to carry out all-round cultural propaganda; Fourth, it depends on the effect of local breakthrough points, such as tree benchmarking, corporate culture figures, and personnel who practice corporate culture. 5, is the formation of a new culture, it takes a lot of time, it is a continuous process, not a day and night can be created.


At the end of the course, Vice President Wang Haibin commented on the writing of the corporate vision of each group: the first group and the fourth group, which are biased towards mission; the second and third groups, the industry scope does not include the company. The future business development has some limitations for us; the direction and dimension of the fifth group is more relevant to the future development of the company, so the champion of the on-site review is the fifth group.

Learning is growth, learning is happiness, and learning is part of life and work. The second course “Building a corporate culture” is still a perfect interpretation of our “happy work, happy life” values, and we hope that in the follow-up training, everyone can get more growth.



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