Spring and Autumn Technology Strategic Human Resources Project Launched


Spring and Autumn Technology Strategic Human Resources Project Launched

 At 15 o'clock on October 24th, 2016, “Spring and Autumn Technology Strategic Human Resources Project Launch Conference” was successfully held in the company training room. The conference was hosted by Zhou Haibo, director of human resources at Chunqiu Technology. Zhang Zhenghua, Chairman of Baisite, Zhao Daguang, General Manager of Human Resources Division, and Xue Gewen, Chairman of Chunqiu Technology attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Mr. Sun Kang and Wu Zhenping, Senior Advisors of Best, and Vice President of Spring and Autumn Technology and the heads of various departments attended the kick-off meeting

First of all, the director of Spring and Autumn Human Resources Week introduced the main participants of the two parties, read the documents on the establishment of the project organization, and explained the significance of the human resources project. Director Zhou said: During the 18 years of development of Chunqiu Technology, under the constant struggle of all the Spring and Autumn People, we have won a glorious past: the Spring and Autumn Science and Technology Park will be put into use, and the Spring and Autumn People will be more efficient, modern and scientific. Work environment; the company has started the pace of listing, we will face greater business opportunities; but at the same time, the company's current external environment has also undergone tremendous changes: such as the Internet's huge impact on traditional industries, the popularity of Industry 4.0 , rising raw material prices, increased labor costs, and so on. At this stage, the Spring and Autumn Period must be hard-working, and the core of hard work is to first build our talent team in the Spring and Autumn Period, so that the Spring and Autumn People, especially the cadres, learn how to rely on the company's scientific human resources system to improve their management capabilities and take us. The team went to war. Create and realize real value for our customers, shareholders and employees in a complex and ever-changing market, and share value, and make everyone happy and happy

Then, Mr. Zhao Daguang, the general manager of Best Human Resources Division, explained the project structure and put forward requirements for the cooperation of project members

Mr. Zhang Zhenghua, Chairman of Best, also made an important speech at the meeting. Mr. Zhang suggested that all cadres in the Spring and Autumn Period should change their thinking and think about the company's operations from a strategic perspective. They must transform their inherent knowledge, form processes, and let employees do it, thereby improving organizational effectiveness. The strategic human resources project of the Spring and Autumn Period is the beginning of management change. The change is not from the employees, but from the cadres. The cadres must raise their awareness and take the courage to take the lead in combining the company's destiny with their own business. Cadres are the core of the company, and they must be able to stand up at key moments and be effective fighters

Finally, Mr. Xue Gewen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, made a speech. Xue total pointed out: Why do you want to do human resources projects? We have to discuss this point clearly. Xue further pointed out that the economic environment, industry trends, and competitors are forced to make changes in the Spring and Autumn Period. Spring and Autumn People are in danger, we can learn Huawei, and more to discuss when the Spring and Autumn will fall. We must understand that the reason for success is the cause of failure, the stumbling block does not move, we will fall at any time. Knowing the crisis, we know that we must go to the time of reform. Xue added: The members of the project team should self-regulate the conflicts between the project and the daily work, overcome the difficulties of daily work, clear the day and day, complete the tasks as planned, and put some energy into the project. Xue always encourages everyone: we must keep in mind our philosophy —— create value and share value. The company is already preparing for the listing. In order to go public, we have invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. In today's falling profits, in order to have more living space for the company, we can only continue to “create value”. Good to live. While living, we fully consider the issues of technical experts, management cadres, core personnel and all employees & “share value” and practice our values ​​“happy work, happy life”

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